Friday, April 17, 2009


Opposites..I've been thinking about u for a long time this week.....
I asked ppl arnd me what the opposite for tomato is..some said potato, some said chilli..some said: "THERE IS NO OPPOSITE" well guess what..
defination for opposite: "something totally different"
so I came to the conclusion, 'basket' is the opposite of tomato :)

owh and smthg Beth and I have been using all week..
guess what D.J., ur NOT the only one Dr. idioitic Chai questioned idioticly 3 times for 1 stupid simply question!

*replays scene for millionth time this week* -Tuesday, Physics period, IN CLASS(NOT AT LAB) ~dRchai came in...*fast forward- 4rd period*
Dr. Chai: "Did u know what time it was when I went to ur class"
Me : no
Dr Chai: DID U KNOW what time it was or not?
Me : NO.
Me : *immediatly interrupts* NO BAH! *turns to beth beside me* I TOLD HIM THREE TIMES LIAO ORH! -.-
Beth's tense look broke into a smile....
eh, really very angry ok...he so sickening!!! not even our fault..HE ASSUMED!!! WE had intention of lying to him...then our bk teacher had to calm beth down cz she got so0o0o pissed later on.........

*i just ate till i got happier then continued ranting......

so I decided to skip school on so tiring and i tot no1 wud be in class has been like that since last week.....(choir..bsm..competitions...debate ppl..)

some song i heard on the radio for the 1st time yesterday..made me smile while doing maths-.-

*short version..enjoy........

so yeah...then today once I got to class the usual gang was there only this time.....LOUDER..
yep..they all just got back frm choir comp......the gang was like a magnet..any choir members who were nearby got 'sucked' in the conversation each wanting to have their share and say.......dissapointment filled the air and uncencored language too..hahaha... it is so interesting to see bonds formed between choir members whether among rivals or 'family' as they call it..... Like mel each choir, their own special ties, own special moments, dramatic events and everlasting memories...*including those bitching moments(apologies for rough language but that seems to be the only word suited in this context XD) *no wonder i love choirs....haha..they're like my dramas... but REALLY, I have no say in this cause I've not exactly 'been there, done that' but damn thursday morning as beth and I were walking around school during biology class to see the BSM and choir members gearing up for each's BIG DAY... I was yet again excited and happy for them,...(its like those moments when u watch tv, ur durh not IN the drama but u kinda still cry SOMETIMES over some character's death/story cz ur so into it, yeah) so yeah.....i was just thinking.....U GUYS ROCK! u might win, u might not..yes, u can tell urself, winning isn't everything but winning IS everyone's target and why wouldn't it??? u guys all practicised SOO HARD......sacrifice 'kiasu' time.....sacrificed sleep....etcetc.. even the teachers so everyschool does that so every school should win? well then again...competitions can't exactly determine the best individual/group... its just the best on the day itself or more specifically the hour its probably determining who was best prepared? (*note that all these only applies IF AND ONLY IF the competition is judged fairly) so mayb nothing in the world if fair....some people even say that if the judicial system WAS FAIR(no flaws) the judicial system itself won't other words..IMPOSSIBLE(as in no flaws)...
but then I said

isn't it our imperfections that makes us "owh-so-perfect"?

p.s.: there's smthg up in wide 101 2mrw....hmmph...... :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

wheeeee it's alive again!! =P

so, hey people! --who may be still reading this blog and checking for updates... =P
so, i.. am.. gonna blog about mah weekend. *just to keep this blog of ours alive*

hmmm, it's a longg weekend. because there wasn't any school on fridayy=)
so i, of course took the opportunity to sleep the whole morning. woke up at twelve.. . . something.. hehe,
went downstairs.
sis was on the comp and i asked Peiyi what was for lunch and she said, "I'm cooking!" *:)*
oh boy. :P
she cooked pasta!! yep great cook is she;p
so our luch was.. pasta with milk,garlic,cheese, ham, onions, and..i think thats about it. and then we cooked instant nooodles after that.. o.O
heY, we were hungry.. =P
then. at 2:55.. peiyi and i walked to saberkas for youth! =P then yeah we*they* had a lil' jam session. it was cooll! man, we sounded aweesommee=P sarahmay and i were trying to sing but it was too high...erh, yeahh.. =P
so at 5 sth. we went walking downstairs and thenbought kfc for dinnerrr! then walked around and yeah,.. so jem gave us a lift home and we had soggy chicken for dinner. yea.. =P
then on saturday morning... i had arranged for Tania to pick me up so we could go play basketball together... and she told me to be ready by 7:30am.
.and on THAT VERY MORNING.., i woke up to the sound of a car engine outside my house and the doorbell ringing ringging... ...
guess what?!?!? IT WAS 7:55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I JUMPED OUT OF BED AND WAS LIKE OH MAN OHMANOHMANOHMANNN. and i was rushing to unlock the doors and rushing to brush my teeth and rushing to get ready and change and WHOA. I HAD NEVER FELT SOOO. MESSED UP IN MY WHOLE LIFE.and i soooo can't believe tania and her dad were so kind and patient to be willing to wait for me... MY GOSHHHHH!!!!!!!!! i felt super super duper baddd. goshh.and yeah, they still were willing to send me.. and i was like sorry, uncle. and he said its okay.. but OF COURSE ITS OKAY..i don't expect him to scream at me and say next time don't ask ppl to pick you uP if u can't wake up laa. so yeah. I'M REALLLY REALLY SORRY. sorryyy. so we played ball and i got sunburn and forgot my phone in the midst of so much rushing around.. yea.. so. yeah. then peiyi and i went for gb in the afternoon and got a ride back from shirlyn, eileen and jeslyn. =P they kept threatening to leave me and drop me off and send peiyi home only.. heh.. ah wellss. so then,hmm, we had lunch for dinner and hard-boiled eggs and.... wait.... i think it was saturday night that we cooked noodles, not friday.. er.. yeah so whatever. we ate food. then yeah.. heh.. then we went to church on sunday morning!! =P and in the afternoon we went to boulevard after lunch and, went to mph. was looking for slumdog millionaire but couldn't find it. ah wells. and then we went home and ate icecream! =P which i am currently craving for right now=P soo, see ya!!! =P


sorry! tania and her dad for making them wait... =X

Monday, March 16, 2009



but when u turn the tables could always be half alive huh? :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

why am i an elephant? !

urm, yeah. my bro and sis having a chewing competition.. =P

enjoy! xP

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 post :)

just posting for fun:)

uhm..1st vid is people ice skating..those are the pros.. and 2nd vid is a stupid video of my sis and i playing with the hotel's automatic tissue dispenser..haha..! enjoy?